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Firs, thank you for all that came to the presentation in Anaheim.  The room was full, and hopefully you learned something while there (and hopefully it was along the lines that video in text boxes might not be good design, but is doable :-)).

I got a bunch of really great questions and concerns and hopefully answered all of them that were asked.  I saw many more hands lifted than we could get to, so if you have more questions, feel free to send them to me, or join the forum discussions as well!  The Silverlight community site is a great resource for learning, getting the tools, and participating in the conversation...head there today and bookmark!

I was asked to post the code from my presentation, so I'm doing it here.  You can download the solution here.  You'll need Visual Studio 2008, Silverlight 2 Beta 1 SDK, and the Silverlight tools to successfully run the application.  The only files not included there are the media files from the first demo.  Just add a few WMV files into the web applications /ClientBin directory and change the MediaElement attributes in the LameStuff.xaml file if you want to mess around with it.

The sample loads the final solution we had, but I also included the LameStuff.xaml file from the first demo.  If you want to play around with that, look in the App.xaml.cs file and change lines 29/30 to load the appropriate RootVisual. 

I hope you enjoyed seeing some things and wished we could have gone into another hour of cool stuff, like showing how the DeepZoom technology (what I used in my initial 'powerpoint') is composed.  Please feel free to subscribe to my site as I'll be doing a lot around Silverlight here!

Please enjoy some of these other recent posts...
