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This was the first time in a long time (I think maybe 10+ years) that I didn’t go to TechEd…err, I mean Ignite :-).  Was I sad to miss seeing old friends and hearing about TwoWay binding woes?  Sure.  Did I miss Orlando in the summer…nope (I get, it’s an easy shot, but yeah no).  I watched from afar though and found some really great stuff for .NET developers on different spectrums.  Ignite is Microsoft’s opportunity to share what is happening in the tech now versus only focus on futures.  I think for .NET developers we long for the ‘vNext’ of everything, but there is a lot of great things happening NOW!  And if you are a .NET developer who has been tip-toeing into the cloud development area, Ignite was a great place to start learning.

Here’s a list of things that I found for .NET Developers from Ignite. 

If you watch no-other ones, make sure to review these two higher-level sessions:

Aside from these broader sessions, here’s a list that might be relevant to you, dear .NET developer:

Lots of great stuff and maybe I’m missing a few.  Be sure to check out all the stuff from Channel 9 as well where a broad set of topics were covered in-between sessions with experts that were there.  Great smaller nuggets of knowledge that you should check out…here they are: Channel 9 Live at Ignite.

Another huge thing announced at Ignite was Microsoft Learn!

logo for Microsoft Learn

Microsoft Learn is a new online way of learning a bunch of new technology.  Through guided learning paths you complete modules and earn points and achievements.  It’s been fun a bit to compete with some co-workers on who can achieve the most badges!  One of the great things also is that you don’t need much to get started.  For the Azure content you do all the tasks IN THE LESSON through the cloud shell environment and with a free sandbox (no sign-up, no credit card)!  Check it out and see how many achievements you can get this week.

Sorry I missed some of the ‘hallway’ sessions (which are the best), but I’ll be looking for you all at the next one!  What were your favorite sessions?

Hope this helps!

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I’m presently working on posting my insight in moving a recent app of mine from an on-premise (colocated server) server to the Azure cloud.  My app is a pretty typical (and OLD) ASP.NET app with a SQL Server database backend.  There was some interesting things I learned in moving the web app portion to Azure App Service, but I’ll save that for a later post…this one is about Azure SQL Server.

My database was actually a SQLExpress database that has been humming along for a while.  It’s also an older schema and a typical relational database system.  The first step for me was to ensure I could move my data before I moved the site…I wanted a full move to a cloud platform.  There are a few ways of migrating databases to Azure as noted in this blog post Differentiating Microsoft’s Database Migration Tools and Services.  Recently one of our Cloud Developer Advocates, Scott Cate, demonstrated the newest full migration strategy, Data Migration Service (DMS), at the Azure Red Shirt Dev Tour.  Because this isn’t generally available I didn’t want to use it and as well my database didn’t warrant the need for managed instance features.  So I went with the Data Migration Assistant tool.

First was to get the tool and install it on my source server.  Because this is an on-prem server I just logged in remotely (RDP) as an admin.  You can choose to first run an assessment, but for me I went crazy and just wanted to migrate (don’t worry, that actually runs an assessment first as well):

After connecting to my SQL db instance I select the database I want to migrate.

NOTE: Use the “trust server certificate” checkbox when doing this migration from local db or you will see some failures in trying to connect to Azure.

After this I need to choose the destination and I can either select an already-created Azure SQL database or create one within my Azure subscription.  This link will launch instructions on how to create a new Azure SQL database on your subscription using the Azure Portal.  You will want to select your server size, etc. based on your needs.  There is some pricing guidance on the selections to help you understand your cost.  After this, return to the tool, enter the server you just created (or already had) and authenticate using your credentials for the server.  Then choose which database is the target for the migration:

Then the next step will show you the assessment and flag things that may need attention.  You need to examine these to assess whether they will be impactful to your app and either accept the script or not.  Once done you have 2 more steps: Deploy Schema and then (assuming that was successful) Migrate Data.  For me, this was rather quick and it was done.  I verified the data and was good to go!

Post-migration Tuning

After deploying the database and site I made sure that on the database I turned on the Automatic Tuning feature provided to me as a service for hosting in Azure:

And then I went away.  Immediately after a few days I returned to see some automatic tuning being done and analyzed.  Azure had analyzed my database under real conditions and made recommendations to actually alter the database to improve performance.  This is then automatically applied if Azure determines it will benefit my performance.  Here were the recommendations:

And notice the determination of impact for one of them:

You’ll see that Azure’s machine learning was smart enough to realize that one of the recommendations wasn’t going to improve (in fact it assessed it would actually regress a query) and decided not to apply the initial tuning recommendation.  Pretty awesome.  Taking a look at my performance profile of the database you can tell very quickly when these recommendations were applied:

This is awesome.  I’ve got some tuning still to go, but thankfully Azure did all the hard work of helping me identify the performance bottlenecks of my database, suggest and analyze some automatic tuning it could do, but also still give me all the data I need to further analyze troublesome queries.

You can learn more about this feature in a recent Channel 9 video talking about this:

It really is an amazing feature and combined with the easy migration, I’m really excited about moving this app to Azure App Service + Azure SQL!

Hope this helps! 

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Well that was fun!  It was really exciting to share with the world what our team has been working on in designing and developing over the past few years with regard to Windows UI platform advancements.  Build 2017 was a culmination of a lot of efforts across the company in various areas, but for UI it was the introduction of our evolution of design, the Fluent Design System.  This represents a wave of UI innovations over time, with Build 2017 showing the first views of Wave 1.  There was a lot of great buzz about Fluent, but for a great introduction be sure to check out my colleague Paul Gusmorino’s session introducing the design system:

Of course as developers sometimes we wince at the word ‘design’ because we don’t have the skills, maybe don’t understand it, or want to ensure we can achieve it with maximum ROI of our own developer time!  We agree!  In defining the Fluent Design System, we ensured that a lot of these new innovations are ‘default’ in the platform.  Starting now with the Fall Creator’s Update Insider SDKs you can start seeing some of these appear in the common controls.  When you use the common controls as-is, you will get the best of Fluent incorporated into your app.  James Clarke joined Paul later to explain and demonstrate this in practice showing how the new (and some existing) common controls take this design system into account and help you get it by default:

In addition to what we are doing *now* we also wanted to share what is on the horizon.  I was able to join Ashish Shetty at Build and talk about what is new in XAML and Composition platform areas for developers.  We shared more of the ‘default’ that is exhibited in the common controls but also explained some of the ‘possible’ in the platform that you can achieve with great improvements to our animation system.  We also shared the vision for the future in this space around semantic animations and vector shape micro-animations.  Check out our session on this area:

We had so much to talk about that I wasn’t able to show the simplicity of enabling the pull-to-refresh pattern in the new controls area.  Not wanting you to feel ripped off, I recorded a quick demo of a few of the things we weren’t able to demo.  Take a look here at my impromptu demo insert for you!

There is a lot of great new things coming in the Windows UI platform area for UWP:

  • NavigationView
  • ParallaxView
  • RefreshContainer
  • SwipeContainer
  • TreeView
  • ColorPicker
  • RatingsControl
  • Improved text APIs: CharacterRecieved, CharacterCasing, IsTrimmed
  • Improved input APIs like PreviewInput
  • Implicit animations
  • Connected animations improvements for ListViewBase
  • Advanced color and HDR for Image
  • SVG support for Image
  • Keytips support for XAML
  • ContentDialog and MenuFlyout improvements
  • Context menu support everywhere
  • UI analysis and Edit-and-continue in Visual Studio
  • Narrator developer mode
  • and more!

It is so great to be a part of this latest release and continue to deliver value (hopefully) to you, our developer customer.  Please be sure to let us know how you are using these new improvements and the Fluent Design System.  Share your creations with us at @windowsui so we can share with others as well!

We also announced a vision for defining a common dialect for UI everywhere around XAML.  We call this XAML Standard and are drafting a v1 specification now.  We will want your input on this and have established an open process to encourage community collaboration.  Please join the conversation at http://aka.ms/xamlstandard.  This is at very early stages but with your help we will establish the right fundamentals first and evolve over time.  Getting the core right is critically important…you can’t unify on a set of control APIs if the foundation isn’t solid and makes sense.  In addition to this, .NET Standard 2.0 for UWP was announced as well and is a HUGE advancement for .NET developers writing apps for UWP.  Oh no big deal, just about 20K more APIs you have access to now.  Yowza.  Listen to Scott Hunter, Miguel and myself talk about these areas on Channel 9:

I’m excited to see the creativity unleased by our developer community.  Thanks for letting me be a small part of it!

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Verbose XAML, we all love it right?  What?!  You don’t like writing massive amounts of angle brackets to get to define certain properties?  I mean who doesn’t love something like this:


What’s not to love there?  Oh I suppose you prefer something like this?

<MapControl Center="47.669444,-122.123889" />

In the XAML dialect this is what we refer to as a ‘type converter’ or more affectionately at times ‘string to thing’ as the declarative markup is just a string representation of some structure.  In WPF and Silverlight this was implemented through requiring to use the System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter class model where you would attribute your class with a pointer to an implementation of TypeConverter that would override the common things you need, most of the time ConvertFrom capabilities.

In UWP where we currently could not rely on the exact same implementation of System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter as it is not a part of the API exposure to UWP apps at this time as well as being a .NET concept which wouldn’t be available to other WinRT developers.  In looking at ways to achieve the same primary scenario, we can now look at the Creator’s Update to deliver the functionality for us.  In the markup compiler for Creator’s Update we now leverage the metadata CreateFromString attribute in WinRT to generate the correct metdata to do the conversion.  The responsibility lies in the owner of the class (looking at you ISVs as you update) to add this metadata capabilities.

NOTE: To enable this capability, the consuming app must currently have minimum target to the Creator’s Update.

Let’s use an example following my pseudo map control I used above.  Here is my class definition for my MyMap control

using Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls;

namespace CustomControlWithType
    public class MyMap : Control
        public MyMap()
            this.DefaultStyleKey = typeof(MyMap);

        public string MapTitle { get; set; }
        public Location CenterPoint { get; set; }

Notice it has a Location type.  Here’s the definition of that type:

using System; namespace CustomControlWithType { public class Location { public double Latitude { get; set; } public double Longitude { get; set; } public double Altitude { get; set; } } }

Now without a type converter I can’t use the ‘string to thing’ concept in markup…I would have to use verbose markup.  Let’s change that and add an attribute to my Location class, and implement the conversion function:

using System;

namespace CustomControlWithType
    [Windows.Foundation.Metadata.CreateFromString(MethodName = "CustomControlWithType.Location.ConvertToLatLong")]
    public class Location
        public double Latitude { get; set; }
        public double Longitude { get; set; }
        public double Altitude { get; set; }

        public static Location ConvertToLatLong(string rawString)
            string[] coords = rawString.Split(',');
            var position = new Location();
            position.Latitude = Convert.ToDouble(coords[0]);
            position.Longitude = Convert.ToDouble(coords[1]);

            if (coords.Length > 2)
                position.Altitude = Convert.ToDouble(coords[2]);

            return position;

As you can see in the highlighted lines, I added two things.  First I added an attribute to my class to let it know that I have a CreateFromString method and then provided the fully qualified name to that method.  The second obvious thing is to implement that method.  It has to be a public static method and you can see my simple example here.

Now when using the MyMap control I can specify the simpler markup:

And the result would be converted and my control that binds to those values in it’s template are able to see them just fine

Yes, my control is quite lame but just meant to illustrate the point.  The control binds to the CenterPoint.Latitude|Longitude|Altitude properties of the type.

If you are in this scenario of providing APIs that are used in UI markup for UWP apps, try this out and see if it adds delighters for your customers.  I’ve uploaded the full sample of this code to my GitHub in type-converter-sample if you want to see it in full.  Hope this helps! 

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After a sick day a few weeks ago and writing my first Alexa Skill I’ve been pretty engaged with understanding this voice UI world with Amazon Echo, Google Home and others.  It’s pretty fun to use and as ‘new tech’ it is pretty fun to play around with.  Almost immediately after my skill was certified, I saw this come across my Twitter stream:

I had spent a few days getting up-to-speed on Node and the environment (I’ve been working in client technologies for a long while remember) and using VS Code, which was fun.  But using C# would have been more efficient for me (or so I thought).  AWS Lambda services just announced they will support C# as the authoring environment for a Lambda service.  As it turns out, the C# Lambda support is pretty general so there is not compatibility in the dev experience for creating a C# Lambda backing a skill as there presently is for Node.JS development…at least right now.  I thought it would be fun to try and was eventually successful, so hopefully this post finds others trying as well.  Here’s what I’ve learned in the < 4 hours (I time-boxed myself for this exercise) spent trying to get it to work.  If there is something obvious I missed to make this simpler, please comment!

The Tools

You will first need a set of tools.  Here was my list:

With these I was ready to go.  The AWS Toolkit is the key here as it provides a lot of VS integration that will help make this a lot easier.

NOTE: You can do all of this technically with VS Code (even on a Mac) but I think the AWS Toolkit for VS makes this a lot simpler to initially understand the pieces and WAY simpler in the publishing step to the AWS Lambda service itself.  If there is a VS Code plugin model, that would be great, but I didn’t find one that did the same things here.

Armed with these tools, here is what I did…

Creating the Lambda project

First, create a new project in VS, using the AWS Lambda template:

This project name doesn’t need to map to your service/function names but it is one of the parameters you will set for the Lambda configuration, so while it doesn’t entirely matter, maybe naming it something that makes sense would help.  We’re just going to demonstrate a dumb Alexa skill for addition so I’m calling it NumberFunctions.

NOTE: This post isn’t covering the concepts of an Alexa skill, merely the ability to use C# to create your logic for the skill if you choose to use AWS Lambda services.  You can, of course, use your own web server, web service, or whatever hosted on whatever server you’d like and an Alexa skill can use that as well. 

Once we have that created you may see the VS project complain a bit.  Right click on the project and choose to restore NuGet packages and that should clear it up.

Create the function handler

The next step is to write the function handler for your skill.  The namespace and public function name matter as these are also inputs to the configuration so be smart about them.  For me, I’m just using the default namespace, class and function name that the template provided.  The next step is to gather the input from the Alexa skill request.  Now a Lambda service can be a function for anything…it is NOT limited to serve Alexa responses, it can do a lot more.  But this is focused on Alexa skills so that is why I’m referring to this specific input.  Alexa requests will come in the form of a JSON payload with a specific format.  Right now if you accept the default signature of the function handler of string, ILambdaContext it will likely fail due to issues you can read about here on GitHub.  So the best way is to really understand that the request will come in with three main JSON properties: request, version, and session.  Having an object with those properties exposed will help…especially if you have an object that understands how to automatically map the JSON payload to a C# object…after all that’s one of the main benefits of using C# is more strongly-typed development you may be used to.

Rather than create my own, I went on the hunt for some options.  There doesn’t exist yet an Alexa Skills SDK for .NET yet (perhaps that is coming) but there are two options I found.  The first seemed a bit more setup/understanding and I haven’t dug deep into it yet, but might be viable.  For me, I just wanted to basically deserialize/serialize the payload into known Alexa types.  For this I found an Open Source project called Slight.Alexa.  This was build for the full .NET Framework and won’t work with the Lambda service until it was ported to .NET Core, so I forked it and moved code to shared and created a .NET Core version of the library. 

NOTE: The port of the library was fairly straight forward sans for a few project.json things (which will be going away) as well as finding some replacements for things that aren’t in .NET Core like System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.  Luckily there were replacements that made this simple.

With my fork in place I made a quick beta NuGet package of my .NET Core version so I could use it in my Lambda service (.NET Core projects can’t reference DLLs so they need to be in NuGet packages).  You can get my beta package of this library by adding a reference to it via your new Lambda project:

This now gives me a strongly-typed OM against the Alexa request/response payloads.  You’ll also want to add a NuGet reference to the JSON.NET library (isn’t every project using this now…shouldn’t it be the default reference for any .NET project???!!!).  With these both in place now you have what it takes to process.  The requests for Alexa come in as Launch, Intent and Session requests primarily (again I’m over-simplifying here but for our purposes these are the ones we will look at).  The launch request is when someone just launches your skill via the ‘Alexa, open <skill name>’ command.  We’ll handle that and just tell the user what our simple skill does.  Do do this, we change the function handler input from string to SkillRequest from our newly-added Slight.Alexa.Core library we added:

public string FunctionHandler(SkillRequest input, ILambdaContext context)

Because SkillRequest is an annotated type the library knows how to map the JSON payload to the object model from the library.  We can now work in C# against the object model rather than worry about any JSON path parsing.

Working with the Alexa request/response

Now that we have the SkillRequest object, we can examine the data to understand how our skill should respond.  We can do this by looking at the request type.  Alexa skills have a few request types that we’ll want to look at.  Specifically for us we want to handle the LaunchRequest and IntentRequest types.  So we can examine the type and let’s first handle the LaunchRequest:

Response response;
IOutputSpeech innerResponse = null;
var log = context.Logger;

if (input.GetRequestType() == typeof(Slight.Alexa.Framework.Models.Requests.RequestTypes.ILaunchRequest))
    // default launch request, let's just let them know what you can do
    log.LogLine($"Default LaunchRequest made");

    innerResponse = new PlainTextOutputSpeech();
    (innerResponse as PlainTextOutputSpeech).Text = "Welcome to number functions.  You can ask us to add numbers!";

You can see that I’m just looking at the type and if a LaunchRequest, then I’m starting to provide my response, which is going to be a simple plain-text speech response (with Alexa you can use SSML for speech synthesis, but we don’t need that right now).  If the request is an IntentRequest, then I first want to get out my parameters from the slots and then execute my intent function (which in this case is adding the parameters):

else if (input.GetRequestType() == typeof(Slight.Alexa.Framework.Models.Requests.RequestTypes.IIntentRequest))
    // intent request, process the intent
    log.LogLine($"Intent Requested {input.Request.Intent.Name}");

    // AddNumbersIntent
    // get the slots
    var n1 = Convert.ToDouble(input.Request.Intent.Slots["firstnum"].Value);
    var n2 = Convert.ToDouble(input.Request.Intent.Slots["secondnum"].Value);

    double result = n1 + n2;

    innerResponse = new PlainTextOutputSpeech();
    (innerResponse as PlainTextOutputSpeech).Text = $"The result is {result.ToString()}.";


With these in place I can now create my response object (to provide session management, etc.) and add my actual response payload, using JSON.NET to serialize it into the correct format.  Again, the Slight.Alexa library does this for us via that annotations it has on the object model.  Please note this sample code is not robust, handles zero errors, etc…you know, the standard ‘works on my machine’ warranty applies here.:

response = new Response();
response.ShouldEndSession = true;
response.OutputSpeech = innerResponse;
SkillResponse skillResponse = new SkillResponse();
skillResponse.Response = response;
skillResponse.Version = "1.0";

return skillResponse;

I’ve now completed my function, let’s upload it to AWS!

Publishing the Lambda Function

Using the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio this process is dead simple.  You’ll first have to make sure the toolkit is configured with your AWS account credentials which are explained here in the Specifying Credentials information.  Right click on your project and choose Publish to AWS Lambda:

You’ll then be met with a dialog that you need to choose some options.  Luckily it should be pretty self-explanatory:

You’ll want to make sure you choose a region that has the Alexa Skill trigger enabled.  I don’t know how they determine this but the US-Oregon one does NOT have that enabled, so I’ve been using US-Virginia and that enables me just fine.  The next screen will ask you to specify the user role (I am using the basic execution role).  If you don’t know what these are, re-review the Alexa skills SDK documentation with Lambda to get started there.  These are basically IAM roles in AWS that you have to choose.  After that you click Upload and done.  The toolkit takes care of bundling all your stuff up into a zip, creating the function (if you didn’t already have one – as if you did you can choose it from the drop-down to update an existing one) and uploading it for you.  You can do all this manually, but the toolkit really, really makes this simple.

Testing the function

After you publish you’ll get popped the test window basically:

This allows you to manually test your lambda.  In the pre-configured requests objects you can see a few Alexa request object specified there.  None of them will be the exact one you need but you can start with one and manually modify it easily to do a quick test.  If you notice my screenshot I modified to specify our payload…you can see the payload I’m sending here:

  "session": {
    "new": false,
    "sessionId": "session1234",
    "attributes": {},
    "user": {
      "userId": null
    "application": {
      "applicationId": "amzn1.echo-sdk-ams.app.[unique-value-here]"
  "version": "1.0",
  "request": {
    "intent": {
      "slots": {
        "firstnum": {
          "name": "firstnum",
          "value": "3"
        }, "secondnum" : { "name": "secondnum", "value": "5" }
      "name": "AddIntent"
    "type": "IntentRequest",
    "requestId": "request5678"

That is sending an IntentRequest with two parameters and you can see the response functioned correctly!  Yay!

Of course the better way is to use Alexa to test it so you’ll need a skill to do that.  Again, this post isn’t about how to do that, but once you have the skill you will have a test console that you can point to your AWS Lambda function.  I’ve got a test skill and will point it to my Lambda instance:

UPDATE: Previously this wasn’t working but thanks to user @jpkbst in the Alexa Slack channel he pointed out my issue.  All code above updated to reflect working version.

Well I had you reading this far at least.  As you can see the port of the Slight.Alexa library doesn’t seem to quite be working with the response object.  I can’t pinpoint why the Alexa test console feels the response is valid as the schema looks correct for the response object.  Can you spot the issue in the code above?  If so, please comment (or better yet, fix it in my sample code).

Summary (thus far)

I set out to spend a minimal amount of time getting the C# Lambda service + Alexa skill working.  I’ve uploaded the full solution to a GitHub repository: timheuer/alexa-csharp-lambda-sample for you to take a look at.  I’m hopeful that this is simple and we can start using C# more for Alexa skills.  I think we’ll likely see some Alexa Skills SDK for .NET popping up elsewhere as well. 

Hope this helps!