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Did you know that the Silverlight community site has over 150 Silverlight 2 Beta 2 samples submitted by the community?!  These range from short samples of specific functionality to full-fledged applications that people can use.  I recently spoke of 2 of the multi-file uploader controls that were features in the gallery.  There is a lot of good information being shared by our community.


Today I sent around a note to those who I could identify who had submissions in the gallery with some information pointing them to Silverlight RC0 information and how they can/should prepare their samples to be ready for Silverlight release.  We want to continue to feature your great samples, but need you to have them ready/runnable for Silverlight release.

If you have a sample in the gallery, please make sure that you visit the RC0 information, download the tools, and prepare your application/samples.  Once Silverlight 2 is released, please re-submit them to the gallery so that we can categorize them accordingly.  Older Beta 2 samples will be purged as they will not run once Silverlight 2 releases and we don’t want to aggravate new visitors to the gallery by having stuff that doesn’t work :-).

Here’s what you need to do:

Thanks again for contributing to the community.  If you know of others that have samples, please be sure to pass this information along.  Thanks for helping to spread the word!

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