what a good sharepoint subject matter expert ought to know...
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inspired by scott hanselmen's post about What Great .NET Developers Ought to Know, as well as the rush of interviews i've been conducting lately to fill sharepoint positions, i started compiling a list of questions for what a sharepoint consultant developer/architect (or fill in your own title) ought to know...here it is...
please comment on more questions -- this was my 30 second list that i'll be adding to.
What SharePoint consultants Ought to Know
Everyone who can spell SharePoint
Mid-level SharePoint Consultant
- what is the difference between a document library and a form library?
- what is a web part zone?
- how is security managed in SharePoint?
- how are web parts developed?
- what is a site definition?
- what is a template?
- how do you install web parts?
- what is the difference between a site and a web?
- what are the differences between web part page gallery, site gallery, virtual server gallery and online gallery?
- what is the GAC?
- what is a DWP?
- what is CAML?
- what are themes?
- what is presence?
- can web parts be connected? if so, how?
- what is a personal view and what is a shared view?
- what is an STP file?
- what is an FWP file?
- can you upload MP3's to SharePoint?
- how does SharePoint support MS Outlook integration?
- how can you extend lists in SharePoint?
- explain the document versioning in SharePoint document libraries
Senior SharePoint Consultant
- where are web part resources contained?
- what are the different installation methods for deploying web parts? and what are the pros/cons?
- what is a ghosted/unghosted page?
- how is site data stored?
- where is metadata for a web stored?
- what is an audience and describe the use?
- what are the trust levels and what is the default trust associated with SharePoint?
- what are the two logging mechanisms for usage statistics?
- what functionality does owssup.dll provide for client side activities?
- what is the difference between a site owner and a site administrator?
- what is STSAdm and what can it be used for?
- can WSS search subsites?
- can you register alerts for users?
- are PDFs searchable?
SharePoint Architect
- what is a SharePoint farm?
- describe a large deployment
- how can you synchronize custom Active Directory attributes to SharePoint?
- if it is anticipated that our organization would need to store 1 terrabyte of documents, what is the recommended configuration and storage requirement?
- describe the implementation of SharePoint and Project Server
- what are the BKMs for workflow and SharePoint?
- explain how you would deploy SharePoint on an extranet
- what is the BKM for maximum number of virtual servers configured for SharePoint on a single box?
- what are the migration strategies for moving sites around?
- what are the archiving strategies?
- describe the search strategies
- can you implement forms-based authentication with SharePoint?
- describe how single sign-on works
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