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so, i’ve officially not checked my newsgator subscription for 30+ days.  i’ve exclusively been using Squeet.  why?  well first, when presented with a challenge, i like to take it.  hamid told me to use it for a while and see if it works better for my needs over newsgator.  for me, it has.  (hopefully he’s equally taken my challenge to use search.msn.com over google for 30 days.)  second, i like it.  rss in my email, and no software — i can use my OWA to read it as well.  i define the schedule on a feed-by-feed basis.  i’m up to 270 feeds now and i like the organization i get with squeet.

anyhow, one thing i didn’t like was finding a feed, was copying, going to squeet, entering the url, etc.

so i remembered how bloglines did it, and i’m copying their idea.

here, right click on THIS LINK and choose to add to favorites (IE — FireFox users can drag the link to the bookmarks toolbar).  Now you’ll have a favorite where you can (i suggest naming it ‘Squeet This’) Squeet your current link you are on.  and because their service looks for discovery info as well, you may not even have to hunt for the feed!

hope this helps!

NOTE: this little feature doesn’t work with pure xml docs

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